Game Testing

 This weeks reading is all about game testing and how important it is to take the time to actually play the game that you are making.

In my opinion i think testing your game while your building it is the most obvious thing to do, you can track your progress and see how the game itself is actually functioning rather than staring at pages of code.

Every single time i add a new feature to my game i will test it straight away to make sure that its working the way i want it to be. 

The first reading i done was - 7 different types of game testing.

- This article was about different ways game testing can be applied to a game. Functionality testing is where the game testers will look out for general bugs within the game, graphics bugs, audio/visual issues, game mechanic issues. This type of testing is done when the game is near completion. 

The second reading i done was - How to play test.

-  This video was all about how important it is to play test. It talks about how play testing is super important and it is fun. Its also very important through every stage of developing a game. It also talks about what type of people you should get to play test your game and it highlighted that younger people would be best because they would be more honest and they would probably notice problems with the game quicker as they might have more experience. 

As soon as you have a working prototype you should start testing your game. theirs no point delving in deeper if your prototype doesn't even work.


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