Introduction to a future Graphic Designer


Darragh Cole

My name is Darragh Cole and welcome to my Blog!

I'm 22 years old and I'm from Kells in Meath. 

My biggest interest is in digital art which includes Graphic Design and illustration. 

Ive always been a big gamer and one day i would love to be able to work with a game company and create some characters and creatures for the game, i think that would be really cool. So i think this module will be a great help for me.

Last semester went really well, I was delighted with the results that I received but this year I am hoping for even better results. 

 Over the summer i didn't get up to much apart from working nearly every day, with Covid on the go, there wasn't a whole lot i was able to do anyways, hopefully next summer is better, a fat holiday is needed. 

When it comes to favourite foods, i love a good Sunday dinner or a nice meal in a carvery restaurant. 

One food that i absolutely hate and will never eat is fish.


Below i will add some photos of my Pet, Juke, He is a Golden Retriever and is 8 years old.




  1. Hi Darragh, really good intro blog about yourself, all the basics that are needed to find out just a bit about a person, it's great that you already know what path you'd like to go down in graphic design. There's a lot of opportunities for designers and it's a job you could work from home, and live anywhere in the world and do, which would be a great life.

  2. Hi Darragh, really good blog, glad to hear your enjoying the course and that you where happy with your results last year. Hopefully you enjoy this year as much as you enjoyed last year and I’m also hoping I can go on a holiday next year because I’m sick of this corona stuff too. Anyways, good luck with the rest of the year and I hope you get the results your working for.

  3. Hi Darragh, I really love your blog, it's very easy to navigate through and the whole aesthetic of your blog looks really well! It's good to get to find out about your interests and hobbies. Great photos of your dog, I got a dog last year he is a springer spaniel. I also love photographing my dog ! Wish you all the best in this year and in your future in graphic design, your really talented.

  4. Hi Darragh! I loved reading about your blog and getting to know you a little better. Your dog looks amazing I also have a dog too. I can agree with the Sunday dinner they are amazing and also one of my favorite meals also. What you want to do in the future sounds amazing and I am glad you are happy with last years results :)

  5. Hey Darragh love to see Duke is doing well. Your blog is looking really good also hope your working on your graphic designs they looked really good last time I seen them I to want it work in a big game studio one day I hope it works out for you. Fish isn’t bad if it’s served right but I agree it’s not my favorite either.

  6. Hey darragh Juke is soooo cute! I've always wanted a golden retriever. I am glad you were happy with your results. I have to agree a fat holiday is definitely needed!! Im thinking about a Sunday dinner now after reading this. Goodluck with the rest of the year and I hope you get to work with a game company some day!!

  7. Hey Darragh, Love your blog! Juke is so cute! I miss my dogs so much at home must of been a nice thing having him with you during corona! A holiday is definitely needed next summer,Fingers crossed! Hopefully this year goes just as good as last year did for you!

  8. Hi Darragh how have you been ?
    I didnt know you had a dog named Juke I have one too a Cocker spaniel named Rio. I realy hope you end up getting that job you want it would we nice to see your name in the game credits and be able to tell people "I know that guy" you know what I mean.

  9. Hi Darragh, really nice introduction blog, It was great to read mire about you. A fellow Meath man, love to see it haha. I've a lot of family from Moynalty, so not too far away from Kells. Don't we all need a good holiday abroad, that the first thing on my list anyways. Hopefully next year is a lot better and Ryanair has the engines running. Anyways, best of luck with your college work!

  10. Hi Darragh, hope your well really enjoyed reading your introduction blog. Really cool that your interested in graphic design because I am also, a lot of people don't like it but I think graphics design is a lot of fun. A massive holiday is defiantly needed ill agree with you there hahah, screw all this corona crap. Love your dog Juke, golden retrievers are the best bread out there. All the best now, and best of luck with this course

  11. Hi Darragh, knowing what career path you want to work towards is really good I think. I still haven't found my little area I want to focus on. It sounds rough working nearly every day but at least you got something to do. most of us were stuck home doing the bear minimum. I love your dog by the way, Denis.

  12. Hi Darragh! I love your dog he looks so chunky and the name Juke suits him so well. I'm glad that you're aiming for higher results this year, I'm trying my best to do the same thing but there's so many assignments that are coming up and I'm about to rip my hair out of my head. I'd love to work in a gaming company but I don't think I have the brains for that so I believe in you! - Anna Zurawska

  13. Hey Darragh
    I'm assuming you enjoyed design development last year if you are interested in design and illustration.
    Do you have a game company in mind that you would like to work with or is there any type of game you would like to work on?
    I think everyone had a fairly boring summer, not being able to get up to much.

  14. Hi Darragh, Kells is a lovely place, I pass by there from Clonmellon all the time so you're right next to me. I also want to work with games but rather the story aspect more so than the design elements. Covid has made things pretty rough this summer, no holidays or friends for a while but hang in there, I'm sure things will improve!


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